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JAN 2023, Vol. 6,No. 1

Dear supporters of Sevalaya USA,

Happy New Year to all our friends and supporters. A big thank you for your generous donations. In the second half of 2022, Sevalaya has supported the education of 303 students, bringing the total to 591 students for the year 2022. Our goal of reaching 600 students is within reach.

With a generous donation from a donor, Sevalaya provided scholarships to students who are going to college and need financial assistance. With their donation, Sevalaya is able to support the higher education of 11 students at various colleges (Sridevi Arts and Science College, Sriram College of Arts and Science, DRBCCC Hindu College, Nazareth College of Arts and Sciences, Jaya Engineering College and Annai Violet Arts and Science College). These students are interested in a wide variety of majors- Engineering, Commerce, Agriculture, Computer applications and Business.

With support from our donors, we were successful in supporting the following:

  • Mahakavi Bharathiyar Higher Secondary School by providing funding for regular training in various sports on campus, buying sports equipment and helping students participate in tournaments

  • The construction of a senior home in Zamin Endathur and supporting the seniors living in the Thanjavur senior home

  • The children in the Swami Vivekananda Boys’ Home and the Mother Teresa Girls’ Home and seniors at the Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa old age home with a grant towards Diwali celebrations.

Year-end Fundraiser

Sevalaya USA thanks supporters for their generous donation towards the San Jose Family Center winter drive. We received two car loads of blankets, sheets, shampoo and food worth nearly $2000 and delivered them!

Board Member Visit to Gayathri Memorial Vocational Training Center

On November 30th, 2022, Board Member Prasad Manickavasagam visited the Sevalaya Pattinappakam Gayathri memorial vocational center.

He described it as a very heartwarming experience and shared that “This economically backward area is in the middle of several luxurious apartment complexes. In the midst of all the huts and dilapidated buildings, the Sevalaya center was brimming with activity. Several women were being trained on tailoring. In an adjacent hallway, small children were doing their homework under the supervision of a teacher. On the third floor of the building, Karate training was going on for kids to build up their self-esteem.”

Thank you to our supporters for participating in two fundraisers in August, 2022:

1. A virtual RunWalkForSeva 5k/10k event (Aug 26-Sept 5) which included 45 participants and thirteen donations. This fundraiser supported the education of eight children. We wanted to acknowledge a supporter who walked 70 miles in 10 days. Supporters hiked in different places, in India, at Soaring Eagle Park in Seattle WA and at Vasona Park, Campbell CA.


Sevalaya USA also participated in the

Bay Area Sevathon organized by India Community Center at Vasona Park on Aug 28th. We had 5 participants. Thanks to ICC for organizing Sevathon and providing a platform for the local nonprofits to raise money.

Amazon has ended its donation program, AmazonSmile. Thank you for supporting us for six amazing years!

We are also looking for volunteers to join our team. For additional information, please visit us online at and


Sevalaya team


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